Project Management

GenoA core facility is recognized for its expertise in the following applications :
  • Transcriptome analysis : RNA-seq, 3'seq RNA Profiling
  • High throughput sequencing : whole genomes
  • Microbiote analysis : 16S, Shotgun

For all these applications, GenoA works jointly with BiRD Core Facility which has expertise in large-scale data analysis and develops dedicated bioinformatics analysis pipelines to standardize analysis from raw data to biological interpretation.

GenoA can also sequence any type of libraries, prepared by the project holder, on MiSeq or NovaSeq Illumina platforms.

All projects are managed with an ISO quality approach. A project starts with a meeting between the project investigator and the core facility members to assess project feasibility.

An experimental report (progress of the manipulation, quality controls) and the raw files are made available at the end of the sequencing / genotyping process.

The cost of the analysis service is tailored to each project. An estimate can be requested by email.

For any project request, please send an email to GenoA.

Mis à jour le 09 June 2022.