

3’ RNA sequencing for robust and low-cost gene expression profiling
E. Charpentier, M. Cornec, S. Dumont, D. Meistermann, P. Bordron, L. David, R. Redon, S. Bonnaud, A. Bihouée 

DMSO-free highly differentiated HepaRG spheroids for chronic toxicity, liver functions and genotoxicity studies
S. Rose, M. Cuvellier, F. Ezan, J. Carteret, A. Bruyère, V. Legagneux, F. Nesslany, G. Baffet and S. Langouët
Archives of Toxicology (2021) |

PCSK9 is not secreted from mature differentiated intestinal cells
Moreau F., A. Thédrez, D. Garçon, A. Ayer T. Sotin, W. Dijk, C. Blanchard, G. Chadeuf, L. Arnaud, M. Croyal, L. Van Landeghem, M. Touvron, X. Prieur, A. Roubtsova, N. Seidah, A. Prat, B. Cariou, C. Le May
Journal of Lipid Research, 2021 |

Probiotics impact the antibiotic resistance gene reservoir along the human GI tract in a person-specific and antibiotic-dependent manner
Emmanuel Montassier, Rafael Valdés-Mas, Eric Batard, Niv Zmora4, Mally Dori-Bachash, Jotham Suez and Eran Elinav
Nature Microbiology 2021 |

The Caspase-1/IL-18 Axis of the Inflammasome in Tumor Cells:A Modulator of the Th1/Tc1 Response of Tumor-Infiltrating TLymphocytes in Colorectal Cancer
Mutala, L.B.; Deleine, C.; Karakachoff, M.; Dansette, D.; Ducoin, K.; Oger, R.; Rousseau, O.; Podevin, J.; Duchalais, E.; Fourquier,P.; El Alami Thomas, W.; Gourraud, PA. ; , Bennouna, J. ; Brochier, C. ; Gervois N. ; Bossard, C. and Jarry, A.
Cancers 2021,13,89 |

Generation of proliferating human adult hepatocytes using optimized 3D culture conditions
S. Rose, F. Ezan, M. Cuvellier, A. Bruyère, V. Legagneux, S. Langouët & G. Baffet
Sci Rep 11, 515 (2021) |

Cadherin 2-Related Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy: Prevalence and Clinical Features.
Ghidoni A, Elliott PM, Syrris P, Calkins H, James CA, Judge DP, Murray B, Barc J, Probst V, Schott J-J, Song J-P, Hauer RNW, Hoorntje ET, van Tintelen JP, Schulze-Bahr E, Hamilton RM, Mittal K, Semsarian C, Behr ER, Ackerman MJ, Basso C, Parati G, Gentilini D, Kotta M-C, Mayosi BM, Schwartz PJ, Crotti L.
Circ Genom Precis Med 2021 |

Author Correction: Genome-wide association study of intracranial aneurysms identifies 17 risk loci and genetic overlap with clinical risk factors
Mark K. Bakker , Rick A. A. van der Spek, Wouter van Rheenen , Sandrine Morel , Romain Bourcier, Isabel C. Hostettler , Varinder S. Alg, Kristel R. van Eijk, Masaru Koido , Masato Akiyama, Chikashi Terao , Koichi Matsuda , Robin G. Walters , Kuang Lin, Liming Li, Iona Y. Millwood, Zhengming Chen , Guy A. Rouleau , Sirui Zhou, Kristiina Rannikmäe , Cathie L. M. Sudlow, Henry Houlden , Leonard H. van den Berg, Christian Dina , Olivier Naggara, Jean-Christophe Gentric, Eimad Shotar, François Eugène , Hubert Desal, Bendik S. Winsvold , Sigrid Børte , Marianne Bakke Johnsen, Ben M. Brumpton , Marie Søfteland Sandvei , Cristen J. Willer , Kristian Hveem, John-Anker Zwart , W. M. Monique Verschuren, Christoph M. Friedrich , Sven Hirsch , Sabine Schilling , Jérôme Dauvillier , Olivier Martin, HUNT All-In Stroke*, China Kadoorie Biobank Collaborative Group*, BioBank Japan Project Consortium*, The ICAN Study Group*, CADISP Group*, Genetics and Observational Subarachnoid Haemorrhage (GOSH) Study investigators*, International Stroke Genetics Consortium (ISGC)*, Gregory T. Jones , Matthew J. Bown , Nerissa U. Ko , Helen Kim , Jonathan R. I. Coleman , Gerome Breen, Jonathan G. Zaroff, Catharina J. M. Klijn , Rainer Malik, Martin Dichgans , Muralidharan Sargurupremraj, Turgut Tatlisumak, Philippe Amouyel , Stéphanie Debette , Gabriel J. E. Rinkel, Bradford B. Worrall, Joanna Pera, Agnieszka Slowik, Emília I. Gaál-Paavola, Mika Niemelä, Juha E. Jääskeläinen, Mikael von Und Zu Fraunberg, Antti Lindgren , Joseph P. Broderick, David J. Werring , Daniel Woo, Richard Redon , Philippe Bijlenga , Yoichiro Kamatani, Jan H. Veldink and Ynte M. Ruigrok
Nature Genetics 2021 | 


Transcriptomic Response of Breast Cancer Cells MDA-MB-231 to Docosahexaenoic Acid: Downregulation of Lipid and Cholesterol Metabolism Genes and Upregulation of Genes of the Pro-Apoptotic ER-Stress Pathway. 
Chénais B, Cornec M, Dumont S, Marchand J, Blanckaert V. 
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 202017(10), 3746  |

Gap-134, a Connexin43 activator, prevents age-related development of ventricular fibrosis in Scn5a+/- mice. 
Patin J, Castro C, Steenman M, Hivonnait A, Carcouët A, Tessier A, Lebreton J, Bihouée A, Donnart A, Le Marec H, Baró I, Charpentier F, Derangeon M.
Pharmacol Res 2020;104922  |

Relevance and diagnostic performance ofgenes involved in arrhythmogeniccardiomyopathy
A. Goudal, M. Karakachoff, P. Lindenbaum, E. Baron, S. Bonnaud, F. Kyndt, E. Bourcereau, A. Thollet, R. Redon, S. Bézieau, J.J. Schott, V. Probst, J. Barc
Archives of Cardiovascular Disease Supplements (2020)12, 261—265 |

3D culture of HepaRG cells in GelMa and its application to bioprinting of a multicellular hepatic model
M. Cuvelliera, F. Ezana, H. Oliveirab, S. Rosea, J.C. Fricain, S. Langouet, V. Legagneux, G. Baffet
Biomaterials V 269, February 2021, 120611 |

Induction of Human Trophoblast Stem Cells fromSomatic Cells and Pluripotent Stem Cells
G. Castel, D. Meistermann, B. Bretin, J. Firmin, J. Blin, S. Loubersac, A. Bruneau, S. Chevolleau, S. Kilens, C. Chariau, A. Gaignerie, Q. Francheteau, H. Kagawa, E. Charpentier, L. Flippe, V. F. Campion, S. Haider, B. Dietrich, M. Kno ̈fler, T. Arima, J. Bourdon, N. Rivron, D. Masson, T. Fournier, H. Okae, T. Freour and L. David
Cell Reports33, 108419, November 24, 20 |

DNA hydroxymethylation is associated with disease severity and persists at enhancers of oncogenic regions in multiple myeloma
J.B. Alberge, F. Magrangeas, M. Wagner, S. Denié, C. Guérin-Charbonnel, L. Campion, M. Attal, H. Avet-Loiseau, T. Carell, P. Moreau, S. Minvielle and A. Sérandour
Clin Epigenet (2020) 12:163 |

The SSV‐Seq 2.0 PCR‐free method improves the sequencing of adeno‐associated viral vector genomes containing GC‐rich regions and homopolymers
E. Lecomte, S. Saleun, M. Bolteau, A. Guy‐Duché, O. Adjali, V. Blouin, M. Penaud‐Budloo, E. Ayuso
Biotechnology Journal 16 October 2020 |

Transcriptome analysis of fetal rat testis following intrauterineexposure to the azole fungicides triticonazole andflusilazole revealssubtle changes despite adverse endocrine effects
M. K. Draskau, A. Lardenois, B. Evrard, J. Boberg,F. Chalmel, T. Svingen
Chemosphere, V 264, Part 1, February 2021, 128468 |

Identification of a transient state during the acquisition of temozolomide resistance in glioblastoma
M. Rabé, S. Dumont, A. Álvarez-Arenas, H. Janati, J. Belmonte-Beitia, G. F. Calvo, C. Thibault-Carpentier, Q. Séry, C. Chauvin, N. Joalland, F. Briand, S. Blandin, E. Scotet, C. Pecqueur, J. Clairambault, L. Oliver, V. Perez-Garcia, A. Nadaradjane, P.F. Cartron, C. Gratas and F. M. Vallette
Cell Death & Disease V11:19 (2020) |

Distribution of Bacterial α1,3-Galactosyltransferase Genes in the Human Gut Microbiome
E. Montassier, G. A. Al-Ghalith, C. Mathé, Q. Le Bastard, V. Douillard, A. Garnier, R. Guimon, B. Raimondeau, Y. Touchefeu, E. Duchalais, N. Vince, S. Limou, P.A. Gourraud, D. A. Laplaud, A. B. Nicot, J.P. Soulillou and L. Berthelot
Front. Immunol. 10:3000 (2020) |

Characterization of Glyceollins as Novel Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Ligands and Their Role in Cell Migration
Thu Ha Pham, Sylvain Lecomte, Remy Le Guevel, Aurélie Lardenois, Bertrand Evrard, Frédéric Chalmel, François Ferriere, Patrick Balaguer, Theo Efstathiou and Farzad Pakdel
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 1368 |

Dual targeting of BCL2 and MCL1 rescues myeloma cells resistant to BCL2 and MCL1 inhibitors associated with the formation of BAX/BAK hetero-complexes
Carolane Seiller,SophieMaiga, Cyrille Touzeau, Céline Bellanger, Charlotte Kervoëlen, Géraldine Descamps, Laurent Maillet, Philippe Moreau, Catherine Pellat-Deceunynck, Patricia Gomez-Bougie and Martine Amiot
Cell Death and Disease (2020) 11:316 |

Alveolar macrophages are epigenetically altered after inflammation, leading to long-term lung immunoparalysis
Antoine Roquilly, Cedric Jacqueline, Marion Davieau, Alice Mollé, Abderrahmane Sadek, Cynthia Fourgeux, Paul Rooze, Alexis Broquet, Barbara Misme-Aucouturier, Tanguy Chaumette, Mickael Vourc’h, Raphael Cinotti, Nadege Marec, Vanessa Gauttier, Hamish E. G. McWilliam, Frederic Altare, Jeremie Poschmann, Jose A. Villadangos & Karim Asehnoune 
Nature Immunology volume 21, pages636–648(2020) |

Maternal Protein Restriction in Rats Alters the Expression of Genes Involved in Mitochondrial Metabolism and Epitranscriptomics in Fetal Hypothalamus
Morgane Frapin, Simon Guignard, Dimitri Meistermann, Isabelle Grit, Valentine S. Moullé, Vincent Paillé, Patricia Parnet and Valérie Amarger
Nutrients 2020, 12, 1464 |


RRAD mutation causes electrical and cytoskeletal defects in cardiomyocytes derived from a familial case of Brugada syndrome.
Belbachir N, Portero V, Al Sayed ZR, Gourraud JB, Dilasser F, Jesel L, Guo H, Wu H, Gaborit N, Guilluy C, Girardeau A, Bonnaud S, Simonet F, Karakachoff M, Pattier S, Scott C, Burel S, Marionneau C, Chariau C, Gaignerie A, David L, Genin E, Deleuze JF, Dina C, Sauzeau V, Loirand G, Baró I, Schott JJ, Probst V, Wu JC, Redon R, Charpentier F, Le Scouarnec S.
European Heart Journal, Volume 40, Issue 37, 1 October 2019, Pages 3081–3094 |

Phenotypic and genotypic approach of a large family with early onset tricuspid aortic valve sclerosis-stenosis: A multimodality evaluation.
Guimbretiere G, Le Scouarnec S, Rigade S, Boureau AS, Cueff C, Capoulade R, Dina C, Mérot J, Schott JJ, Le Tourneau T
Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases Supplements, January 2019 11(1):66-67 |

Genetic association analyses highlight IL6, ALPL, and NAV1 as three new susceptibility genes underlying calcific aortic valve stenosis.
S. Thériault, C. Dina, D. Messika-Zeitoun, S. Le Scouarnec, R. Capoulade, N. Gaudreault, S. Rigade, Z. Li, F. Simonet, M. Lamontagne, M.A. Clavel, B. J. Arsenault, A.S. Boureau, S. Lecointe, E. Baron, S. Bonnaud, M. Karakachoff, E. Charpentier, I. Fellah, J.C. Roussel, J.P. Verhoye, C. Baufreton, V. Probst, R. Roussel, the D.E.S.I.R. Study Group, R. Redon, F. Dagenais, P. Pibarot, P. Mathieu, T. Le Tourneau, Y. Bossé, J.J. Schott
Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases Supplements 2019 |

Characterization of Norovirus and Other Human Enteric Viruses in Sewage and Stool Samples Through Next-Generation.
Strubbia S, Phan V. T. M, Schaeffer J, Koopmans M, Cotten M, Le Guyader F.
Food Environ Virol. 2019 Aug 24 |

Low‐dose pesticide mixture induces accelerated mesenchymal stem cells aging in vitro
Leveque X, Hochane M, Geraldo F, Dumont S, Gratas C, Oliver L, Gaignier C, Trichet V, Layrolle P, Heymann D, Herault O, Vallette F, Olivier C.
STEM CELLS Volume 37, Issue 8 |

Fate of two strains of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing Escherichia coli in constructed wetland microcosm sediments: survival and change in antibiotic resistance profiles
Vivant, AL; Boutin, C; Prost-Boucle, S; Papias, S; Ziebal, C; Pourcher, AM.
WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 79 ; 8 : 1550-1560 APR 15 2019 |

US immigration is associated with rapid and persistent acquisition of antibiotic resistance genes in the gut.
Quentin Le Bastard, Pajau Vangay, Eric Batard, Dan Knights, Emmanuel Montassier
Clinical Infectious Diseases, ciz1087 |

Targeted Next Generation Sequencing to study insert stability in genetically modified plants.
A.L. Boutigny, A. Barranger, C. De Boisséson, Y. Blanchard and M. Rolland
Sci Rep 9, 2308 (2019) |

Rapid genetic and phenotypic changes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical strains during ventilator-associated pneumonia.
E. Persyn, M. Sassi, M.Aubry, M. Broly, S. Delanou, K. Asehnoune, N. Caroff and L. Crémet
Scientific Reports volume 9: 4720 (2019) |

One year prospective survey of azole resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus at a French cystic fibrosis reference centre: prevalence and mechanisms of resistance.
R -A Lavergne, F Morio, I Danner-Boucher, D Horeau-Langlard, V David, F Hagen ,J F Meis, P Le Pape
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, dkz144 |

Comparative analysis of five Mucor species transcriptomes.
A. Lebretona, L. Meslet-Cladièrea, S. Morin-Sardina, E. Cotona, JL. Janya, G. Barbiera, E. Corre
Genomics: 111; 6, December 2019, Pages 1306-1314 |
Mis à jour le 20 January 2022.